NCC Group is a distinctive place to work where we are guided by our Code of Ethics – treating everyone and everything with respect. Our common values help us to make decisions without the need for a comprehensive instruction manual:
We work together
No matter how brilliant an individual might be, they are no match for a team. Our best and most impactful work has always resulted from collaboration. We act in the best interests of the whole Group, and we never miss an opportunity to help – each other and our customers.
We exist to help keep our customers safe and secure – the better we understand our customers and their values the better we can help them thrive. So, we work together closely with our customers too.
We are brilliantly creative
We like to win. We are brilliantly creative – not pointlessly or stupidly or obstructively creative. We like to and are good at solving hard problems. We work hard, however in our world, success doesn’t just come from hard work – it’s from looking at things differently and never being satisfied with the way things are.
In being brilliantly creative – we need to work together – we expect collaboration, innovation, and diversity… which brings us onto our third value…
We embrace difference.
The ability to think in a different way (to, for example, how systems were intended to be used) is what leads to much cyber vulnerability and is the cornerstone of the security testing and risk work we do.
So, we work together, we are brilliantly creative and:
- We welcome and actively seek out diversity in our thinking and in our internal representation
- We seek constructive challenge as we gather information before we make a decision
We take responsibility
We take responsibility to get things done in the right way. We care about the impact our actions have on others and consider and involve relevant stakeholders. Taking pride in our work is driven by the personal understanding we have of what is expected, and we’re never afraid to ask for help when we need it.
We are NCC Group